
Natural Horsemanship
Lisa and Mark Bruin are Silversand Natural Horsemanship instructors. The emphasis of their work is to create an understanding between horse and rider, developing trust and confidence right from the start.
Association for Coaching
Professional body for coaches, involved in Executive, Business, Personal, Team Coaching and Building Coaching Cultures.
International Coach Federation
The professional association for personal and business coaches worldwide.
Alexandra House Spa
The holistic Health Spa to visit in Huddersfield, Yorkshire
National Council for Hypnotherapy
The National Council for Hypnotherapy is committed to ensuring the highest possible standards.
UK Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations
UKCHO are an umbrella body for the hypnotherapy profession in the UK. Their mission is to ensure that standards of ethical practice and training practice are appropriate for public safety.
Northern Leadership Academy
The Academy, based at the Lancaster University Management School, is the UK’s first regional centre of excellence dedicated to leadership and related issues.
Box of Frogs Photography
I really don't like using stock images, so I'm pleased to be able to say that virtually all the images on this site are of 'real' people and places, thanks to Paul Hodgson at Box of Frogs. Box of Frogs specialise in weddings, portraits and equine imagery, but are great in other areas too, as you can see.
Inspired? Intrigued? Want to know more?
Drop us a line or
Give us a call 07887 613670
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